Residence Inn Marriott Poughkeepsie
Make yourself at home during your stay in Poughkeepsie in one of the 128 rooms and spacious suites. Whether you are staying for a night, a weekend, or a few weeks, spread out in one of the newly renovated hotel suites with fully equipped kitchens, ergonomic workstations, and complimentary Wi-Fi. After a night of rest, fuel up for the day with a free hot breakfast buffet. Guests are also welcomed to use the fitness center and then spend time at the indoor pool, hot tub, outdoor Sport Court®, and fire pit. On select evenings, head to The Residence Inn Mix™ for complimentary beer and wine while meeting with fellow travelers.
- Wheelchair Accessible:
Places To Stay
- Hot Showers:
- Open YR:
- Breakfast Included:
- Indoor Pool:
- Pet Friendly:
- Total # rooms: 128
Hotels/Motels & Resorts
- Hotels & Motels:
Accessible Amenities
Blind/Low Vision
- Blind/Low Vision Accommodations:
- Signage: Partial
- Elevator with Braille or Raised Print Buttons: Yes
- Staff Orientation to Venue: Yes
Deaf and/or Hearing Loss
- Deaf and/or Hearing Loss Accommodations:
- Deaf and/or Hearing Loss Room Available: Yes
- Accessible Amenities:
- Accessible Car Parking Onsite: Yes
- Accessible Van Parking Onsite: Yes
- Assistive Equipment: Yes
- Unisex/Companion Bathroom: Yes
- Service Animal Relief: Yes
Mobility/Wheelchair Access
- Mobility/Wheelchair Access Accommodations:
- Accessible Transfer Shower: Yes
- Accessible Roll-In Shower: Yes
- Wheelchair Accessible Room: Partial
- Accessible Bathroom in Common Areas: Yes
- Accessible Entrance: Yes
- Accessible Route: Yes
- Low Service Counter or Window: Yes
- Accessible Transportation/Shuttle: Yes
- Accessible Elevator: Yes
- Accessible Tub: Partial
- Accessible Room on the Ground Floor: Yes
- Accessible Room near Lobby or Elevator: Yes
- Outdoor Accessible Seating: Yes
- Accessible Outdoor Tables: Yes
- Indoor Accessible Seating: Yes
- Accessible Hot Tub/Spa: Yes
- Accessible Swimming Pool: Yes
- Portable Shower Seat Available: Yes
- Room with Bed No More than 23”: Yes
- Room with Bed with Open Frame/Transfer Lift: Yes
- Trip Advisor