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Posts from February 2023

We Are NYRegistration Waived for Out-of-State Snowmobilers for March 3 to 5

First Weekend in March to be Dedicated to Free Snowmobile Weekend Each Year

Governor Kathy Hochul today announced that beginning March 3 to 5 this year, and annually thereafter, the first consecutive Saturday and Sunday in March, will be free for all out-of-state and Canadian snowmobilers. During this promotional weekend, the requirement to register in New York is waived for properly registered and insured out-of-state snowmobiling enthusiasts wishing to explore New York's 10,500 miles of snowmobile trails.

We Are NYStatewide Attendance Hits 79.5 Million Visits, One Million More Than 2021 

See Attendance for Individual Parks Here  

Governor Kathy Hochul today announced annual attendance at state parks, historic sites, campgrounds and trails operated by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation saw a record 79.5 million visits in 2022. Total visits statewide increased by more than one million compared to the previous year, underscoring Governor Hochul's commitment to ensuring that the investment in parks and recreation will pay off for New Yorkers and visitors alike. …

Lake Placid Loppet 2023Lake Placid, NY – The New York State Olympic Regional Development Authority (Olympic Authority) announces that the Lake Placid Loppet cross country ski races are returning to Mt Van Hoevenberg on February 26, 2023.

The Loppet first began in 1983 and is widely regarded as a quintessential Nordic ski celebration and a long-standing favorite among enthusiasts across the U.S. and Canada. The full day of ski race events is open to all ages and abilities, with starts and finishes in Mt Van Hoevenberg’s new stadium just outside its Mountain Pass Lodge.

Washington's Birthday CelebrationNewburgh, NY – Celebrate General George Washington’s birthday– his 291st - at Washington’s Headquarters State Historic Site. As one of the critical figures in our country’s birth, one or two days honoring him just isn’t enough; Washington’s Headquarters in Newburgh does THREE days – February 18th, 19th and 20th, from 12 PM until 3 PM each day. Admission is free for all those three days, though donations are welcomed.

Ice Golfers on Raquette LakeFebruary 18th & 19th, 2023

Raquette Lake, N.Y. – The Raquette Lake Winter Carnival will kick off on Saturday, February 18th  with youth activities starting at 11am . Games will include a sack race, sledding, tire obstacle, balloon chase, and tug-of-war.  At noon there will be a Ladies Frying Pan Toss with cash prizes of $75, $50, $25. Weather permitting, the Team Ice Golf Competition will be held throughout the day for teams with cash prizes of $75, $50, $25.

Long Lake and Raquette Lake Winter Wonderland WeekLong Lake and Raquette Lake, N.Y. – There is plenty to do in the Long Lake and Raquette Lake region from February 17th – 26th. Winter Wonderland Week offers a slate of events for all ages offering both outdoor and indoor activities. The tradition to schedule multi-events coincides with the President’s Day Weekend and February weeklong school break.

Genesee Country Village & Museum’s Maple Sugar FestivalMumford, NY (February 15, 2023) – In celebration of the return of maple sugaring season in New York State, Genesee Country Village & Museum will host its annual Maple Sugar Festival on Saturday and Sunday, March 18 - 19, and Saturday and Sunday, March 25 - 26. Explore a modern-day sugarhouse where fresh syrup is boiling, then journey into a 19th-century sugar camp staffed by costumed historical interpreters to learn about the techniques and tools used by early settlers used to collect sap and make maple sugar.

Washington 2023 ProjectNewburgh, NY (February 14, 2023) – The Washington Project 2023, a special video presentation by students from the Hudson Valley, will air on YouTube starting Monday, February 20th in conjunction with Presidents Weekend.  The program, consisting of individually created theatrical and musical performance pieces, will feature interpretations of historic events that took place while General Washington was headquartered in Newburgh.  These pieces, written by the students themselves, allows them to interpret history in a contemporary and meaningful way.

Ruthie DeeplyFebruary 25, 2:00 p.m.

Utica, N.Y. -- Ruthie Deeply, by local writer Vincent Palmieri, shares the true-life story of Ruth Morgan. She faced challenging circumstances after being abandoned in East Utica in 1934, including homelessness and being forced into the Syracuse State School. She remained steadfast in her belief to be released and achieved her goal, and is currently alive and well at 87 years old in Herkimer County.

Artpark logoJune 16, 2023; Tickets on sale Friday, February 17 at 10AM

Lewiston, NY -- Singer-songwriter, musician, and composer Ben Folds will bring his What Matters Most Tour to the Artpark Mainstage Theater on Friday, June 16, 2023 at 8:00PM.

Widely regarded as one of the major music influencers of our generation, Folds’ masterful new collection, What Matters Most, isn’t so much a statement as it is an offering, an open hand reaching out to all those wounded and bewildered by a world that seems to make less and less sense every day. …

Click here to access the I LOVE NY press kit.

