Ice Castles OdysseyLake George, N.Y. -- Please join representatives of Warren County, the town and village of Lake George and the Lake George Regional Chamber of Commerce and CVB for the Official Ice Castles Kick-off press event at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 5, at Festival Commons. The event will include a description of this exciting new winter event coming to the Lake George Area and will be followed by remarks by local tourism officials and Ice Castles CEO Kyle Standfird and Events VP Jared Henningsen. 

At 2 p.m., there will be an Ice Castles Business Community Q & A Roundtable at the Warren County Municipal Center to share further details about the event’s anticipated local business impact. Ice Castles representatives will provide a brief presentation and be available to answer questions. The roundtable is open to the public, but will maintain safe gathering COVID guidelines. Those who wish to attend are asked to RSVP by email at The meeting will also be live streamed on ZOOM, so those who wish to participate virtually may click and note Meeting ID: 893 9445 6259.
