Wayne County Apple TourMonth-long harvest celebration returns in October

Wayne County, N.Y. - The award-winning Wayne County Apple Tasting Tour is celebrating its 25th year this October. As the largest apple-producing county in New York State, apple lovers across western and central New York have enjoyed Wayne County’s fall celebration since 1997. All month long, visitors are invited to pick fresh apples, admire the fall colors, and enjoy time together having family fun. With activities ranging from corn mazes and tractor rides to wine and cider tastings, there’s plenty for friends, couples, and even Mom and Dad to enjoy.

Once again this year, the tour’s app will be available on the Google Play and Apple App Store. The browser-based app debuted in 2020 and won the Rochester PRism award for smartphone/tablet applications. The app serves as a way to follow along and discover more information about each stop on the tour. Apple lovers can also access the app by visiting AppleTastingTour.com and clicking on the app buttons.

New this year, the “passport” will act as a game board. There will be a letter at each stop for the visitors to find. Collect each letter and solve the word jumble to be eligible for the grand prize raffle at the end of October.

Wayne County Tourism is partnering with 12 local businesses to host the tour. The Apple Tasting Tour is a self-driven tour, with fall and apple activities happening throughout the month of October. Visitors have the entire month to experience apple harvest at farm markets, apple orchards, wineries, and cideries. 

The “Tasting Weekend” experience returns this year, taking place from October 7-10. Extra celebrations are planned along the trail over the holiday weekend. Apple lovers can learn more about these special events by following the Apple Tasting Tour Facebook page.

Throughout October, visitors are invited to:

• Enjoy wine tastings at Young Sommer Winery and JD Wine Cellars at Long Acre Farms. 

• Try a glass of hard cider at Embark Craft Ciderworks at Lagoner Farms, at Old Goat Cidery at The Apple Shed, or at Rootstock Ciders & Spirits. 

• Pick your own apples at one of the many farms and apple orchards on the tour.

• Escape the Amazing Maize Maze at Long Acre Farms.

• Find your new favorite apple when you pick or pick up a new variety at one of the 12 farm stops.

• Stock up on fall goodies like fresh pies, apple salsa, and homemade preserves.

• Take home colorful mums and bright orange pumpkins.

• Enjoy delicious food and drinks at The Bay Street Restaurant or Saltbox Smokehouse.


The 12 Apple Tasting Tour farm stops:

Apple Town Farm Market, 4734 Route 104, Williamson

Doyle Farms Market Café & Creamery, 10917 Ridge Road, Wolcott

Lagoner Farms & Embark Craft Ciderworks, 6895 Lake Avenue, Williamson

Long Acre Farms & JD Wine Cellars, 1342 Eddy Road, Macedon

Morgan’s Farm Market, 3821 Cory Corners Road, Marion

Orbakers Farm Market, 3451 Lake Road, Williamson

Stonegoose Market & Cidery, 7248 Route 14, Sodus Point

Rootstock Ciders & Spirits, 3274 Eddy Rd, Williamson

The Apple Farm Stand at Stone Goose Farms, 5630 Norris Road, North Rose

The Apple Shed & Old Goat Cidery, 3391 Fairville-Maple Ridge Road, Newark

Young Sommer Winery, 4287 Jersey Road, Williamson

Youngman Orchards Farm, 7315 Lake Road, Sodus 


The 2 Apple Tasting Tour sponsor restaurants:

The Bay Street Restaurant, 8427 Bay Street, Sodus Point

The Saltbox Smokehouse, 6152 Barclay Road, Sodus

For information and directions to each site, visit www.appletastingtour.com for an interactive map, use the app or call Wayne County Tourism at 800-527-6510.


About Wayne County's Apple Industry

New York State has 51,097 acres of apple trees, 20,862 of which are in Wayne County, making it the top apple-producing county in the state. McIntosh is the top production apple in the county. Imported from Ontario, Canada shortly after its discovery in 1811, this apple thrived here because of its hardy constitution and love of cool nights. Other varieties grown in the county include Empire, Red Delicious, Cortland, Rome, Idared and Crispin among other lesser-known varieties.

Apple farming has been a way of life in Wayne County for centuries and is home to several multi-generational farms. One recognized Century Farm (100 years) – Lagoner Farms – is on the Tour, established in 1909.

For more information on Wayne County, the Apple Tasting Tour or the apple industry, contact Wayne County Tourism at 800-527-6510 or visit www.waynecountytourism.com.

Video available for media: hi def clips of the Tour can be viewed at: https://vimeo.com/user/20009650/folder/4006991 (2020). Please contact Wayne County Tourism or Break the Ice Media at 585-394-0787 regarding usage. Photos are available for media: hi res images can be viewed at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/12tphpss9dpknpq/AADnXzkSeXGXSrzlRyZbaeG3a?dl=0. Please attribute images to Wayne County Tourism.

Media Contact:

Camille Zess

c: 585-752-2661