Albany International Airport
- Albany International Airport 737 Albany-Shaker Rd Administration Bldg. Room 200
- Albany, NY 12211
- (518) 242-2222
- Visit Site | E-Mail

As the major air center for the Capital Region, Northeastern NY and Western New England, ALB offers a wide range of facilities and services. A recently completed multi-million dollar capital redevelopment project included a new 230,000 square foot terminal, parking garage, air traffic control tower, and cargo facility. The Airport, located seven miles north of downtown Albany, is accessible via several major interstate and state highways, including I-90 and the Northway (I-87). It is the fourth busiest commercial airport in New York State with an average of 180 daily commercial arrivals and departures. Taste NY kiosks offer travelers locally made cheese, healthy snacks, maple candy and drinks.
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