Blenheim Covered Bridge

The Old Blenheim Covered Bridge was opened in 1855 to serve the residents of Schoharie County a convenient way to move farm equipment and produce from one side of the roaring Schoharie Creek to the other. In wintertime, snow was brought in so sleighs could be used for transportation. Automobiles took their place in the early part of the Century but in 1933 a steel bridge was built adjacent to it, and the Bridge became pedestrian-only. This magnificent Bridge served the residents and countless visitors for over 150 years but on August 28, 2011 Tropical Storm Irene and the rising waters of the Schoharie Creek destroyed this beloved icon of Schoharie County. Today the Bridge stands again – a testament to the resiliency of this County’s people. A duplicate of the original bridge was built by FEMA and dedicated in 2017 and once again serves the County as a destination not to be missed.
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