Cattaraugus County Historical Museum

Civil War relics, records, genealogical data. Hours are Monday through Thursday 9am-4pm and the third Saturday of every month through October, 10am - 2pm. Erected in 1868, the venerable Stone House, (now the Museum) located upon the campus of The Pines Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center, is the sole surviving structure of the 19th Century Cattaraugus County Alms-House and Insane Asylum, which became the Cattaraugus County Home/Farm and Infirmary. The institution was established in 1833 when the County Legislature resolved to acquire property to care for the indigent, aged, orphaned, infirm and insane. Although the original gable roof and fourth floor attic space have been removed, these alterations do not diminish its intrinsic value as a precious thread woven deeply into the rich historical fabric of Cattaraugus County. As the oldest continually operated County building, and indeed the only County owned landmark left, the Stone House is a tenacious survivor, worthy of preservation to be enjoyed by future generations.
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