Charlotte-Genesee Lighthouse Historical Society & Museum

An official Path Through History Site! The Honorary International Peace Garden is located at the Charlotte Genesee Lighthouse, 70 Lighthouse Street in the City of Rochester. The area has been known as the Charlotte area in the northern part of the City of Rochester. The Lighthouse is designated a Historic Landmark and part of the Seaway Trail. The colorful rectangular garden is on the south fence line of the property. The garden is made up of four panels which provide the visitor with the details of the four encounters by the British during the War of 1812. Encounter #1-October 1, 1812 WAR ARRIVES AT THE GENESEE RIVER, #2-June 13-16, 1813, A RAID ON THE PORT, #3-Sept. 11, 1813, A RUNNING BATTLE OFF THE LAKESHORE and #4-May 14, 1814, THERE NEVER WAS SUCH A NIGHT…" THE VALIANT 33", The garden also displays the magnificent flags of the US during the War of 1812, the current American flag, the British and Canadian flags. Star Spangled Banner Flag created by an act of congress passed on January 13, 1794 provided for 15 stripes & 15 stars after May 1795. The permanent plantings are Knock Out roses, Shasta Daisies with red Tulips that appear in early spring. There are annual flowers which change yearly such as Salvia, Ageratums, etc. Tours of the Lighthouse Keepers House and Tower are available during normal hours for a modest price.
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