Creative Theatre/Playhouse at Museum Village

Creative Theatre was incorporated in 1978 and presented its first show, “The Royal Gambit” in the winter of 1979. During the ensuing years, the company moved around using schools in Woodbury, Tuxedo, and Goshen before taking up residency at The Paramount Theater in Middletown, N.Y. from 1989 to 1994. During this time, Muddy Water Players was formed and presented numerous shows in Monroe-Woodbury schools. After leaving the Paramount, the Creative Theatre took a long-term lease on one of the larger, unused buildings at Museum Village in Monroe, N.Y., and converted it to a fully functional Playhouse. heir first production at The Playhouse was “Educating Rita” performed in May of 1996. In 1997, the remaining members of Cornwall Community Theatre Group decided to cease operation and their company was folded into Creative Theatre. In 1998, after much discussion and a “trial marriage” highlighted by a joint production of “Arsenic and Old Lace”, it was decided to merge Muddy Water Players and Creative Theater into one operation based at The Playhouse. Today, Creative Theatre – Muddy Water Players presents three mainstage productions a year (from May to September), a featured Fall Finale in November with a more intimate piece, and an annual scholarship to a student in the performing arts. The company is governed by an Executive Board of nine members who are elected each year at November’s Annual Meeting by the paid membership.
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